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At Eyres Monsell Primary School, we have created a History Curriculum that will help children develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world too. Through engaging and high quality History lessons, we will inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past and the process of change. Through their learning, children will make links between topics and develop a sound chronological understanding of key events in both British and World history. They will begin to develop a better understanding of the people and events that have shaped the world they live in today.

Our History lessons are planned to provide rich opportunities for children to begin to be historians – to ask perceptive questions about the past and to think critically about the historical sources they are working with.


Linked to the National Curriculum and our own school needs, we have created a Progression of Skills document which shows the Historical skills, vocabulary and key ‘sticky knowledge’ to be taught in each year group and in each topic. History is taught through three main whole school topics over the year: ‘Wonders of the World,’ ‘What makes Britain Great’ and ‘Time Travellers’.

During these topics, we ensure that school visits, workshops and rich historical experiences are plotted in appropriately to promote a deeper understanding of the historical era or event studied thus fostering a lasting memory for each child and nourishing a lifelong passion for history and the insights it gives us into both the past and present.