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Inclusion (SEND)

At Eyres Monsell we believe that all children have an equal right to a full and exciting education which will enable them to achieve their full potential.

We work hard to secure special educational provision for our SEND pupils, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum. This ensures our children get the best possible and earliest interventions for their specific learning needs.

We have a dedicated team offering SEN support, led by our school SENCo Miss Carlyle. Our Head teacher Ms Williamson also holds the National SENCo Award and also provides excellent SEN support and advice to our teachers. We believe that every teacher is a teacher for every child or young person including those with SEND and as such we place quality first teaching at the heart of everything we do.

At Eyres Monsell Primary School we are committed to raising the aspirations of and expectations for all pupils, including those with SEND. Our school focuses on outcomes for all children and young people and not just hours of provision or support.

Our school commits to:

  • Identify and provide for pupils who have special educational needs and additional needs
  • Work within the guidance provide in the SEND Code of Practice, 2014
  • Operate a “whole pupil, whole school” approach to the management and provision of support for special educational needs
  • Provide a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who will work within the SEN Inclusion Policy
  • Provide support and advice for all staff working with special educational needs pupils

Our SEND policy provides more detail of our school systems and support and the local offer. If you have any questions or would like to come in and meet the SEND team please contact the school office who will be happy to arrange a phone call or a visit.